
Powerfully Personalized Dental Postcards Marketing

There are many ways for dentists to market their dental services. Direct mail like postcards and other mailers, have a huge advantage over other forms of communication. It is much more likely to be seen, reviewed, and touched by your target audience!

Express Dental takes direct mail to an ADVANCED level with...

• Powerfully Personalized
• Targeted Concepts
• Turnkey Implementation
• Fast Turnaround
• Consistent Simplicity
• Expertise Underneath

Powerfully Personalized

Personalization is what sets us apart from almost every other dental direct mailer. Utilizing variable digital printing each recipient of your mailings will see their name prominently displayed throughout the piece and “within” the design. Combined with Express Dental’s creative concepts and deep dental marketing expertise, this powerful form of one-to-one communication will significantly enhance the influence dynamic.

Rather than making the consumer feel like you are just looking for some anonymous consumer, this advanced style of marketing greets each recipient personally. While your competition continues to put forward a cold, impersonal mass marketing impression, take your dental marketing to the next level!

The Results Speak For Themselves!

-- As much as a...

• 44% Response Improvement by adding recipient’s name to the printed page (not current occupant)*
• 135% Response Improvement by adding full color to a printed piece*
• 500% Response Improvement by adding recipient’s name, color, and customizing content to interests of recipient*

*Variable Digital Printing Industry Results provided by Xerox

Click to see Personalized Postcard Presentation/Diagram.

NOTE: Express Dental personalized postcard direct mail fees include all printing and mailing costs including postage. Other direct mailers often add fees after you are drawn in by their stripped down priced promotions.

Express Dental fees include all these items:

• Complete Personalization
• Full Color BOTH Sides...
-- Some printing promotions offering only full color front, and ONLY black ink on back
• 110-LB High Quality Paper
• Digital Addressing
• All Postal Paper Work
• Zip Code and Carrier Route Sorting
• Delivery to the Post Office
• Targeted Mailing list...
-- The right lead list can improve your response 60% to 70%.

REVIEW: Variable Printing Dental Marketing White Paper

Get Personal with Your Desired Audience Now

Targeted Concepts

There are many places online where you can get “dental postcards” –– from cheapo and flimsy to very dull and uninspiring. Express Dental raises the bar on creativity with superior consumer relevance.

Consumers, whether currently seeing a dentist or needing to see a dentist, want to know things have changed since they first visited the sterile and often fear laden dental office of their childhood. They want for themselves and/or their children something better, refreshing, and focused on all their dental health needs. They want dental visits to be comfortable and convenient. They want cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic solutions when they want them. They want to go to a dentist that “gets it” when it comes to what they expect, need, and want!

Most importantly, Express Dental understands many consumers are putting off visits to the dentist for entrenched reasons. Denial of need, procrastination and low value perceptions are significant dental health compliance obstacles, but the consumer will not begin to overcome them without a message targeted to dispel their out-dated impressions. Whether they have a toothache or are aching for a straighter, whiter smile, Express Dental offers a steady hand with advanced creativity.

Remember a high value, targeted consumer lead list can improve your dental mailing response by 60% to 70%. Trust Express Dental to develop your list to fit your desired audience, which is already included in our pricing.

Take your dental marketing to a much higher level of consumer relevancy with pinpoint accuracy.

Target New Revenues Now

Turnkey Implementation

Plain and simple: You provide the campaign and financial parameters along with your practice information and photos/images. Express Dental Marketing does the rest.

Saving time and management headaches are major objectives when running a dental practice, whether as a sole proprietor or a multi-doctor, multi-location group. Express Dental Marketing has created a system that turns new patient acquisition into five easy steps.

  • Fill out order form
  • Provide your information
  • Make payment
  • Approve the final product
  • Answer many NEW PATIENT calls!

Turn the Key Now for More Patients

Fast Turnaround

I need more patients fast! The dentist or orthodontist with this request has located the ultimate source for their dilemma. Express Dental Marketing can put patients in your practice within as little as three weeks!

Choose targeted, creative, and effective advanced dental marketing, direct mail designs in minutes. Express Dental compiles your information and prints in a matter of days. Within a few weeks you are seeing new patients and racking up more revenues.

Turn Up The Volume on Revenues Fast

Consistent Simplicity

Consistency is as close as you can get to a marketing sure thing. Consumers have a lot of decisions. Families, adults, teenagers, young and old, men and women all prioritize. Making dentistry a higher priority in their lives requires a consistent presence.

Express Dental direct mail is like the Yellow Pages with a personal valet that provides effective reminders about what can be done to improve dental health and smile appearance. This personalized, proactive, high quality, “how about now” approach is the simplest way to reach the harried, waiting-for-a-better solution dental consumer.

Simplify Consistent Marketing Revenues

Expertise Underneath

There are postcard printers with dental “themed” cards. There are direct mailers with a few dental “designs”. There are marketers with some generic “tooth brushing” and “apple a day” images. In contrast, Express Dental Marketing has a deep foundation in dental consumer communication strategies.

What will family dentists, cosmetic dentists, and orthodontist specialists get from this substantial foundation of dental marketing expertise? These dental practitioners will get complete-effect marketing products that target:

  • Their most desired patient group. Plus...
  • The fence sitting (waiting till my dental health gets very bad) consumer
  • Is there a dentist that understands my fears consumer
  • The “Show me the value” dental skeptic
  • The “Wow me with something cool” consumer
  • The mom, dad, parents who want the best for their families

Dental marketing consultant Dick Chwalek of Niche Dental and provides the expertise for the Express Dental personalized direct mail concept. Dick also provides custom writing when requested by Express Dental clients/dentists.

For Marketing with Dental Expertise Built-in


For Dentists Who Require Better Marketing: Seven Sure Sailing Strategies

Everyone wants a solution that sets sail successfully the first time. Most dentists have just skirted around the edges of marketing. Actually that is what most businesses do.

Unfortunately, at some point the winds change and luck, location (cubed), and trial and error are no longer on their side.

A strong, consistent, proactive communication strategy is the only way to sail on these rough seas.

Here are seven dental marketing strategies that will completely unfurl your sales!

1) Right Your Dental Website

Most dental websites are listing in a generic Internet sea. Lots of dental services are written about but little or no real human warmth can be found in this frigid North Sea of uninspired content.

Write, write, and write to right your website. With all the sites out there now, you need to say dentistry with real people in mind. Your dental web site content should be worth knowing about rather than just floating out there like a buoy without a real-life perspective mooring.

2) Sales Made Faster With Dental Direct Mail

Communicating effectively often requires someone to take the lead. Direct mail gets out in front faster than almost anything you can do. Dental practices that want more than galley leftovers need to mutiny against generic marketing and take the fight for hearts and minds to the home front and mailbox.

Nothing else is as local, as targeted or as proactive. Rather than waiting for consumers like all other marketing it goes right to the head of household and says, “Look at me, why wait, you need it now!” You need to say it the right way and with an eye on building value. But you can use dental postcards; a brochure-mailer or whatever works best for your dentistry brand. Direct mail puts significant wind in the sales of your Internet strategy as well.

3) Gain Supremacy of The Online Seas for Your Dental Practice

Web surfers are searching for exactly what you offer. Whether its dental implants or porcelain veneers, smile makeovers or advanced cosmetic dentistry, you can be the one with the phone calls, new patients, and revenue booty. Even in dangerous economic waters, it is possible to sale well.

This is not brute force online advertising. It’s a niche strategy for the dental practice that wants patients who are ready to buy what they offer. No longer haggle about price. Say heave ho to the dental insurance anchor. Start steering your online strategy toward your higher-lever services and the consumers who will pay for them in a good and not so good economy.

4) Define Your Dental Niche Rather Than Being A Dentistry Parrot

If you say the same things every other dentist is saying, you will be like a parrot on a creativity lacking, dental marketing pirate shoulder that’s squawking and hawking the same thing. Instead, say less about dental services and focus more on your dental expertise.

Consumers will never see the value in your expertise if you hoist the same flag (grocery list of dental services) your competition does.

5) Real Dental Branding Halts The Plank Walk To Irrelevance

First, dental logos are not brands. They are brand elements. Completely transform your brand like you want your patients to transform their smiles. Otherwise Davy Jones’ Locker is ready to swallow your sales numbers.

You no longer work on teeth. Currently, consumers see teeth in your brand when price, low value, and dental insurance are still magnets in their compass. With effective brand development, the consumer will know you see THEM. Then the focus is not on their teeth, which have less value to them. They are not their teeth, their mouths or even their smiles.

Create a brand around your dentistry expertise and the value you offer PEOPLE. Tooth and toothbrush logos, half off whitening coupons and the like are grounds for plank walking in this tight market. Quit degrading your value. Branding prevents dental expertise irrelevance.

End the Waiting; Set Sales Higher!

6) Be Unique To Avoid Being Set Adrift in a Dentist Without Differentiation Dinghy

The market has gotten crowded with “we do dental care like that too” competitors. Sameness will sink almost every communication ship you set sail in with the today’s hyper-competition for the consumer’s money.

Dental insurance reliance takes more profits out with the tide. The low price dentistry sales method is taking on water like mad because it has nowhere to go but down. Taking your dental practice into unique waters is often a calmer experience. The waters are clear, making it easier for consumers to see you, evaluate your value, and start appreciating the worth of your dental expertise.

7) Guide Your Marketing Efficiently With A Sturdy Dental Coaching Rudder

CALL Oli • 1.888.380.0020
Why get a dental marketing coach? Actually you can do it all yourself. Like I could voyage into megapascal math and meth mouth makeovers, you could set sail on a masters (and commander) graduate course in dental marketing. Or we can each do what we do best, and I can help you sail to your port of call a whole knot quicker.

Running your dental practice aground is easy to do if the winds change. Get command of a seaworthy craft with an expertly righted, communication strategy. Of course, it’s always your choice whether you go with an expert or not. Likewise, the consumer has many choices. You need Niche Dental coaching services to give you the helm during dental consults.

Niche Dental helps consumers see YOUR expertise as valid and valuable before they arrive, releasing the knot of objections in case acceptance. Otherwise consumers will continue to open the rum barrel of low value, minimal results, and never-pay-out-of-pocket dentistry.

Either take this route or invest in my new book and we can make money on these wading-in-low-waters consumers. It will be sold on the All-Generic Dentistry, All The Time cable channel and The book, Dental Care for Rummies, makes consumers feel good about low priced, insurance covered, fast-paced, and simplistic solutions dentistry.

CONCLUSION: Sailing Your Dental Practice Through a Down Turn This Way and That...

Wanting a simple solution to your dental marketing dilemma is a natural expectation. But if you think about how the consumer often reacts to anything without a dental insurance life raft, the simple expectation sinks quickly. While there are some “simple” solutions in dentistry and marketing, they often cost more, require more time, or need an expert touch.

Paying for dental coaching, spending more for the right marketing, and developing a long term plan makes sense, even now. In an economic downturn, many consumers actually spin the helm toward a counterintuitive bearing. They start looking for value, wanting more bang for their doubloon. It’s counterintuitive because expensive purchases are not removed from the table. The value treasure chest is still very full for many consumers, especially the 77 million baby boomers who need more dentistry.

Promoting your expertise in higher-level dental treatment will standout. Consumers will notice because everyone else will be retreating to cheap and cheaper marketing waters. Fly the flag of the low priced pirate dental marketer and see your frigate get hit with the cannons of low profit and work your butt off dentistry. Avoid the low value services bottleneck; catch the wind a change in direction provides.

If you are not ready to string me up on the mizzen because of all my sailing references, call me to discuss your dental marketing needs. Then we can get everything shipshape in a matter of few nautical miles.

Call Niche Dental Co-consultant Oli Gonsalves at Express Dental Marketing to get started:


Written, Revised and Posted by
Dick Chwalek

Original Version Posted at